Monday - Friday 9 AM to 4 PM
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Seniors and the Healing Power of Pets

Seniors and the Healing Power of Pets

Let's be honest. Growing older may be isolating. When loved ones relocate or die away, it becomes increasingly hard to open the house and participate in activities that were formerly enjoyable. However, there is one source of comfort and company for seniors that helps them in a variety of ways, pets.

Pet ownership has been shown to relieve stress, lower blood pressure, and promote social contact and physical exercise among the elderly. Other intangibles are also provided by pets. Pets can also significantly reduce depressive symptoms and psychological distress. "Older pet parents have often told us how extraordinarily barren and lonely their lives have been without their pet’s companionship, even though there were some downsides to owning an active pet."

Physical Advantages

Interaction with a pet on a regular basis can decrease blood pressure and cholesterol, lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Social and Emotional Advantages

Increased Interaction—Walking a dog takes older citizens out of the house and allows them to connect with their neighbors.

Choose the best pet for you

Make an effort to choose a pet whose age, size, personality, and energy level are compatible with those of your loved one.

Is it possible for me to adopt a stray animal?

In shelters, older animals have a lower adoption rate than puppies and kittens, and they are more likely to be killed. Adopting an adult, healthy pet for your loved one may relieve the stress of training, match your loved one's activity level, and preserve a beloved animal's life.